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Due Diligence
All iLIFE Portal investment opportunities have been Vetted by ILIFE Capital who has preformed a thorough and diligent review of the business opportunity and the Issuer(s) prior to being placed on the iLIFE Capital Portal. 
Due Diligence

Vetting is a thorough and diligent review of a prospective project/venture and its C-level  executives (or the principals) prior to an investment decision.

Broadly defined, due diligence vetting is a comprehensive review or investigation of material facts in regards to an investment. Typically, investors execute an extensive due diligence process prior to subscribing to the securities of an investment opportunity, in order to gain a full understanding of the business, business model and the principals operating the business.  They also want to understand the liabilities or risks inherent in the business or business sector.

Today's economies are so global that vetting takes on an increasingly important role prior to any investment decision. Potential investment opportunities may be located on the opposite side of the globe, with teleconferencing and email replacing face-to-face contact and meetings. Vetting must often be done via the internet or by outsourcing parts of the process. For investors, vetting or "due diligence", is the rigorous process of researching a potential investment prior to a subscription to the (debt or equity) securities being offered.

Despite investing at different points in a company’s life or specializing in investments within specific industries or markets, sophisticated investors typically employ a comprehensive screening system to determine whether a company or investment is appropriate for their investment portfolio.  Our phased approach to due diligence provides us and potential investors with a structured process for evaluating each investment opportunity against standard criteria. As we consider client companies at various stages in the screening process, we typically eliminate 98 out of 100 for serious consideration for our iLIFE Portal.

In the investment world, Due Diligence refers to the full investigation of the people and company, before any investment transaction takes place. This confirms that all details are correct in the Private Placement Memorandum and Business Plan, and no important information is left out.  Our attractive Deal Structures, Principal Protection & Adjustable Risk & Return features, and Diversification strategies make it feasible, viable and attractive to invest in any (or all) of the Issuer opportunities we offer in the iLIFE Portal.
Why is Due Diligence Important?

Due diligence, when conducted properly, can be a time-consuming and painstaking process. However, the importance of due diligence cannot be overstated. With barriers to capital formation for self-issuer companies liberated through the JOBS Act, Title II & IV, individual investors are provided access to more opportunities to put capital to work into a variety of business ventures. Given the risks inherent in investing in general, investors need to take the proper steps in evaluating investment opportunities. A rigorous due diligence process can help illuminate the risks of a given investment opportunity and assist investors in making an informed decision as to whether an investment is appropriate for his or her portfolio.  
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